
Hot Gas Ceramic Filters


Elongated round cylinder, rigid tube casting, convex bridge bottom, T-flange or conical flange.
No support frame required.

Material Refractory ceramic fibers, catalysts, adhesives.
Origin ALKEGEN Germany, FLKCAT Taiwan.
Working conditions

High operation temperature.
Fine dust, toxic gas like NOx, SOx, Dioxins/furans, HCl, CO, DeSOx, DeNOx.

Application Dedusting of melting furnaces and fluidized bed processes, power stations (gasification of coal, gasification of waste), gasification of biomass (wood, sewage sludge), cement industry, glass industry, waste incineration plants, chemical manufacture, catalyst /precious metals recovery.

Detailed specifications: (Please contact us for direct consultation).
See in Vietnamese: Bộ lọc lõi gốm chịu nhiệt

Liên Hệ: 0901858686 - 0917531007

Refractory Ceramic Fiber

Hot Gas Ceramic Filters are made from chemical dust fiber, whose main elements is Silicate (Alumino Silicate wool or low bio-persistent /AES) with unique binding, and low blinders, so the fibers can retain strength and integrity when exposed to heat.

Hot Gas Ceramic Filters

  • Be challenged in extreme environments with high temperatures and chemicals:
    – With the outstanding feature of continuous working temperature up to 900°C, the filters ensure mechanical strength and integrity in environments exposed to high temperatures and large thermal fluctuations.
    – Be insensitive to sparks and non-flammable, explosion protection.
    – Hardly react to chemicals, suitable for corrosive environments.
  • Reduce emissions by almost 100%, due to the ultra-fine ceramic fiber, large specific surface area, achieve outstanding industrial filtration efficiency.
  • High porosity >80% high air permeability has a very good filtration effect throughout the length and thickness of the filter.
  • High heat recovery value (operating temperature allows heat recovery).
  • Due to the ceramic rigid tube, there are no required cages or frames, and also replace the dust filter bag, with the same operation and maintenance.

Hot Gas Ceramic Filters with Catalyst

  • A catalyst is an additional substance in the chemical reaction, which leads to changes in the speed of the reaction but does not disappear during the reaction. In a dust filter, the catalyst is used to convert a chemical that is toxic to human health to a less toxic state or to remove the poison completely in a mixture of dust and gas, before releasing the air into the natural environment.
  • Catalytic Ceramic Fiber Filter is used in industrial dust filtration systems, to treat and remove major pollutants: fine dust (PM), nitrogen oxides (NOx), dioxins/furanes and assist in the reduction of sulfur oxides (SOx) when combined with the FGD-DSI dry absorption method, prevent recombination of dioxins/furans.
  • The catalyst is impregnated into the ceramic fiber because the ceramic fiber is very fine, the catalyst is evenly and widely distributed in the ceramic filter cartridge. With a large surface area and high strength of ceramic fibers, the filtration efficiency is optimized along with the extended catalyst lifespan.


Advantage assessment from manufacturers:

  • The combination of single-step particulate and toxic gas (NOx & dioxin) reduction enables increased energy efficiency and reduced Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) and operating costs. (ALKEGEN)
  • The “All in One” filter handles integrated exhaust gases: dedusting fine (PM), dioxin, and nitrogen oxides, effectively supporting the reduction of sulfur. (FLKCAT)

Note: PM (particulate matter, particle pollution) Particulate matter is a mixture of solid and liquid particles suspended in the air, which is one of six forms of air pollutants, as defined by the EPA.

Filtration area

Depending on the design, the filter orifice may have a T-flange or cone shape.


Velocity, filtration efficiency and pressure drop


Filtration efficiency and velocity:

Filtration efficiency: up to 96.89% when measured with a filtration material surface velocity of 1.2 m/min.

ALKEGEN’s graph shows an inverse correlation: the greater the filtration velocity on the surface of the filter material (face velocity), the lower the filtration efficiency.

Dust filtration efficiency and pressure drop:

The initial pressure drop (for finished ceramic filter) is estimated to be about 500Pa when measured at room temperature with face velocity of 1.2 m/min.

The differential pressure value depends on many factors: Dust concentration, dust size, dust composition, face velocity, properties and temperature of the exhaust gas,…

The differential value can be reduced by the device cleaning cycle with the air pulse blowing mode.

Dust filtration and multi-pollutant control efficiency:

  • Output dust concentration <2 mg/Nm³
  • HCl removal up to 97%
  • Up to 95% SOx Removal
  • NOx removal up to 95%

The removal effect depends on the granularity, purity, quantity and reaction time of the additive.


Applications of ceramic filters

  • Glass industry, fiberglass.
  • Cement production, Catalyst production /precious metals recovery.
  • High temperature treatment product recycling industry, energy /waste heat boilers.
  • Gasification process, NOx reduction at low temperature.
  • Steel (conversion /electric furnace /coking /sintering).
  • Incinerators (garbage /hazardous waste /medical waste).
  • Ceramics, metallurgy – lead, aluminum, copper, nickel industry.
  • Liquid waste incinerators, biomass power generation.
  • Kilns, lime kilns, sludge incinerators, boilers.

Typical works of FLKCAT


Contact us for consultancy

Phone: 0917531007 – Email: kelvin@tatafilter.com

Notice: Please contact us directly for appropriate consultancy. Any form of reproduction of the content or images of this article must have the written consent of Tan Thanh Filtration Company.


  • Purefrax® Hot Gas Filters, Purefrax®CC Catalyzed Hot Gas Filters, ALKEGEN.
  • FLKCAT, Taiwan.

Further reference

  • Phân loại xơ sợi vô cơ nhân tạo, Chỉ thị 67/548 /EEC.
  • Vật liệu AES trong đăng ký CAS 436083-99-7 (sciencedirect)




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